Heating & Air Conditioning Spec Contractor Columbus
Your Columbus, Ohio Heating and Cooling Spec Coordinator
Consider Comfortrol for your next heating and air conditioning spec contractor in Columbus, OH. Comfortrol has successfully installed over $85 million in HVAC plan/ spec projects throughout Columbus and the surrounding areas. No matter what size heating and air conditioning spec project you’re planning, Comfortrol has the experience to quote your project. We utilize state of the art software and have long-standing relationships with our vendors. Comfortrol can handle all of your budget estimates and formal project quotes for commercial heating & commercial air conditioning design.
Comfortrol will provide the comprehensive scope, schedule, team delivery approach required to ensure the success as your heating and air conditioning spec contractor in Columbus, OH.
Benefits of an Experienced Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Spec Contractor and Planner
Consider the following benefits when choosing Comfortrol for your next plan/spec project.
Plan/spec take-off pricing
- Budgeting
- Coordination drawings
- Project management and scheduling
- Alternative system solutions
- Customer support
- Value engineering
- Effective ongoing communication with client
- Project close-out
- Proper start-up and commissioning
Our Outstanding Experience Has Generated a Long List of Satisfied Customers
Below is list of General Contractors that have worked with Comfortrol as a heating & air conditioning spec contractor in Columbus. General Contractor’s have trusted Comfortrol with multiple projects and continue to express a desire to work with Comfortrol on future projects.
- Advanced Development
- Andrew Maxx Construction
- Archer Commercial Construction
- B & B Contractors and Development
- Bedrock Group
- Bentley Construction
- Bovis Construction Co.
- Casto Construction
- CB Richard Ellis Construction
- Central Ohio Builders
- Cellmark Development Group

- Cody Zeigler, Inc.
- Columbus International Air Center
- Continental Building Systems
- Corna/Kokosing Construction
- CVS Pharmacy (27 in Central Ohio)
- Daimler Group
- DC Building Company
- Delaware Building Systems
- Dove & Associates
- Dublin Building Systems
- Elford, Inc.
- Equity Construction
- Exxcel Project Management
- Ferguson Construction
- Fisher Development
- Fulcrum Construction
- G.L.R.
- Gioffre Construction
- Gutknecht Construction
- Hanlin-Rainaldi Construction
- Hemmer Construction Inc.
- Jaco General Contractor

- KPRS O’Brien Robinson
- Lincoln Construction
- Linens & Things
- Lion Construction Management
- M Warner
- Marker, Inc.
- Mattingly Corporation
- McNight Group
- Messer Construction
- Miles-McClellan Construction Co., Inc.
- Miller Valentine
- O’Brien Construction
- Pepper Construction
- Plaza Properties
- Quandel Group
- Renier Construction
- Richland County
- Roslovic & Partners
- Ross Development
- Route Construction
- Ruscilli
- RW Setterlin Inc.
- Schnippel Construction
- SM Wilson & Company
- Southgate Development
- Summit Construction
- Sunrish Construction
- TC Weiser Construction
- Thomas & Marker
- Transamerica Builders
- Trian CM
- Turnbull Wahlert Construction
- Turner SPD
- Venture One
- Wayne Management Corp.
- Whiting Turner Construction
- World Gym
Columbus Commercial HVAC Air Conditioning Service & Heating Repair